Thursday, February 10, 2011

Reimagination of the Month

When everything is completely buried in snow, it's rather hard to imagine springtime. So when my imagination isn't complying, I just pop in this movie and bask in its warm, English loveliness. And in the meanwhile, what better reimagination for the long dreary winter months than that of children's classic movie, The Secret Garden?

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Items in this set:

For those of you who aren't familiar with the book (although I'd be shocked if there were any!), it is the story about a young girl born in India who comes to live with her Uncle in England when her parents die in an earthquake. While there she discovers a garden that has been locked and forgotten and as she revives the garden, makes friends with a robin, and discovers an annexed cousin, she revives herself. If you've never seen it, go, run, get it now!


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