Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Libba Bray Interview

Libba Bray might be a little wacky... well... a lot wacky... but Going Bovine is still a really great book. I mean, can you think of a book about mad cow disease, road trips, video gaming dwarves, and lawn gnomes that isnt awesome? Because I cant.

Title: Going Bovine
Author: Libba Bray 
Published: 2009
Age: 13+
Synopsis:  Cameron Smith, a disaffected sixteen year-old who, after being diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob (aka mad cow) disease, sets off on a road trip with a death-obsessed video gaming dwarf he meets in the hospital in an attempt to find a cure.

If you're intrigued, don't forget to check our library's catalog for this book!


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